Sunday, September 19, 2010


Game one vs. the Wildcats, my son and the Phantoms fell 2-1. The kids played hard and had a great time, and thanks to my 100-400mm lens, I was able to grab shots as if I were standing in the goal keeper's box.

In this shot, my son is the wingman, waiting for a potential pass, as his teammate Michael dribbles the ball down the field. I love the action, and the intensity (particularly on the face of the defender charging from the left).

More to come, and hopefully next week a victory.

Climing the Walls

Well, Orange County California is notorious for very active youth sports programs and all that goes with it (soccer moms, mini vans, etc.). Yesterday, we had a couple of games to attend, and after my son's match, he was a bit bored when we were watching my daughter's, so he did what any little boy would do. I kind of like the pattern and isolation of this shot.

See more on my Flickr page.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Skating in the Hills

My son was playing on his skateboard, and since my nasty "Your too old for this" fall at Etnies Skatepark in Lake Forest, I think I'll play with my camera and a little bit of Lightroom and Photoshop instead.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Orange Street Fair

Crafts, games, food and drink. It's the Orange Street Fair in Old Town each year. Pretty hot, but a great time. Here my daughter takes on a plate of noodles from "China Street." Processed with Photoshop to better highlight the subject, given how much is going on in the background.